Friday, December 14, 2007

Second Opinion

Yesterday Henry and I took Preston for a second opinion on his hip at the Children's hospital.
The Surgeon we met recommended that we get the surgery done next month not wait until he is 9 months adjusted as recommended by the previous surgeon at the Swedish. I guess I am little confused why two doctors have such a difference in opinion about when is the best time to treat. I really think the earlier he has his surgery the better he will be off. More things to think about...

Funny story- so while the doctor was examining Preston, he flipped him on his tummy and to my surprise Preston did a mini push up and kept his head up! :) The doctor was commenting on what a good head control he had. I just laughed b/c in the past couple of weeks I have been freaking about him not being able to hold his head up! You guys are probably wondering why I am so obsessed with his head control. I worry about Cerebral Palsy- Preemies have much higher chance of Cerebral Palsy due to premature birth and one of the sign is delays in gross motor skills. I know there is nothing we can do if he had CP and they don't diagnose until about 12 months to 24 months but I think it just a control thing. I sometimes wonder if I would be this worried and vigilant if I had a healthy, term baby. I think being a nurse doesn't help either- I think I just know too much. I am trying to really enjoy every milestone and not get my burried in worries. I guess it's good that Henry is so much laid back about all this. He just keeps telling me Preston will do it on this time.

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