Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's been so long...Finally some updates!

Gosh, I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog! I feel bad that I have not been updating the blog as much. It's been crazy at work with new project and it's just been busy with the new daycare routine etc.

I have to say a lot has happened in the past year but I feel so blessed in so many ways.
Here are some updates.

-Preston got his spica cast off in late August but had to be in a abduction brace for 23 hours/day. Although the brace was so much better than the cast, it still was annoying to put on and it did restrict his movements.
-Of course I was worried constantly that somehow the hip will come out again and he will have to be casted again! (NOT!)
-Preston has been going to daycare full time since September and he is adjusting really well. First couple of weeks were rough but he has a routine down and I think he really likes his teachers and friend. Preston's favorite thing about daycare is the music class! I hear from the teachers, he gets down to the beat and loves to play the drums the tambourine!
-He is down to 1 nap a day and goes to sleep much earlier now which means, he wakes up earlier too. Not too great for his mommy and daddy!!!
-He has already had couple of colds. Nothing too serious but I am not use to him getting sick b/c he never got sick last winter! :) He was pretty much locked in last winter. We did see a pulmonolgist b/c when he does get a cold, he has mild wheezing. Dr. thinks it's due to him being a preemie and all the complications with this lungs at birth. He thinks he will grow out of it as he gets older.
-Looks like he will be getting the synagis shot again this winter. I was really surprised that our insurance approve it but I think it will be good for him since he is at daycare. Too bad though, he will have to get 2 shots every month for next 5 months.
-We are trying to get him off the bottle but Preston loves his bottle!!! He takes the sippy cup at daycare b/c they don't allow bottles but at home, he only wants to drink from the bottle. I think we have to just go cold turkey and stop giving him the bottle. That's going to be really hard on me! :(
-He is eating solids really well now. His favorite foods are garlic nann, curries, rice wrapped in nori/seeweed (Korean), pears, any kind of bread and muffins, tortilla chips, yogurt!!! He is a picky eater and he will "taste" the food before he will commit to it. LOL
-He is still getting PT and things have improved a lot since the cast came off but he still does not like to crawl. He loves to stand but crawling is another story. Our PT said some kids just don't like to crawl. I am hoping with the brace being off now, he will be more tempted to crawl.
-We just had an appointment with his ortho surgeon and his hip is looking GREAT! He only has to wear the brace at night so he is free during the day! YEAH!!!
-We also had another developmental assessment and dr. thinks Preston is doing great despite his premature birth. He also reassured me that Preston does not have CP and he will just need some time to catch up on his gross motor skills since he was in the cast and brace for almost 6 months. I was relieved to hear him say that Preston seem like a normal baby!!!
-So he is getting there...He is a lot of fun these days and he cracks us up everyday. I love this stage!!! Enough of me babbling here are some pictures from the past months.

Cast coming off

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Bye Bye Cast!

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Cast Free Legs

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Abduction Brace

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Not a halloween costume! In his Korean outfit from grandma

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