Friday, December 14, 2007

Second Opinion

Yesterday Henry and I took Preston for a second opinion on his hip at the Children's hospital.
The Surgeon we met recommended that we get the surgery done next month not wait until he is 9 months adjusted as recommended by the previous surgeon at the Swedish. I guess I am little confused why two doctors have such a difference in opinion about when is the best time to treat. I really think the earlier he has his surgery the better he will be off. More things to think about...

Funny story- so while the doctor was examining Preston, he flipped him on his tummy and to my surprise Preston did a mini push up and kept his head up! :) The doctor was commenting on what a good head control he had. I just laughed b/c in the past couple of weeks I have been freaking about him not being able to hold his head up! You guys are probably wondering why I am so obsessed with his head control. I worry about Cerebral Palsy- Preemies have much higher chance of Cerebral Palsy due to premature birth and one of the sign is delays in gross motor skills. I know there is nothing we can do if he had CP and they don't diagnose until about 12 months to 24 months but I think it just a control thing. I sometimes wonder if I would be this worried and vigilant if I had a healthy, term baby. I think being a nurse doesn't help either- I think I just know too much. I am trying to really enjoy every milestone and not get my burried in worries. I guess it's good that Henry is so much laid back about all this. He just keeps telling me Preston will do it on this time.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gettin back into a routine

So for the past couple of days, I feed Preston at 5am and go to the gym. It has worked out really well and I feel so much better after working out. Then I treat myself to a vanilla latte with whip cream! hee. hee Whatever I burned off working out makes up for the latte! :) Got a enjoy little things in life!

Also this past week, I met up with Barbara and Julia.
Barbara and I were both on bed rest at Swedish and had similar situation with one of her twins (ruptured membrane). Both of her boys (Truman & Spencer) are doing great and it was cool to look back at what we went through this past year.
Julia's son Oscar and Preston were roommates in both the NICU and the step down nursery. We become friends as we both were always visiting our boys and of course we were always pumping in the pump room! kee. kee. It was so great to catch up and share how the boys are doing.
Because of the risk of RSV, we have to wait until spring to get together with the babies but it will be all worth it! Thanks ladies for the good time!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


The other day, I stumbled onto a blog of a mother of twin girls who were born at 24 weeks. I read an entry called "Grieving" and cried my eyes out!
I could so relate to what she wrote about "loss of Ideals" and feeling guilty about their rough start in life. As I was bawling, Preston looked at me and gave me the cutest little look as though he knew his mommy was sad and wanted to make me smile again! :) He's such a sweet boy.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Tummy Time Update

In the past week or so I have been adamant about Preston getting his tummy time at least 5 times a day (see my earlier post). At first he would just cry and bury his face on the floor or just fall asleep. He has slowly started to use his neck to pull himself up!

Some friends told me to put interesting toys or mirror to entice him but he never paid any attention b/c he would just cry. Last night I decided to put my laptop in front of him and it worked! He got so into looking at the laptop he actually stayed on his tummy for couple of minutes without crying!
Here he is looking at the computer :)

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Few minutes later...back to crying

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I feel really good about his progress though...:)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Twin?

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Here are some pictures of me when I was a baby--- Do you think Preston looks like me? :) Sorry, the quality of the pictures are not great b/c they are scanned pictures.

Letting yourself go

Okay...I have been home with Preston for the past month or so and I think I have let myself go...yes already! :)

Here is Why...
1) I find myself still in my pajamas at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
2) I have not had a pedicure/manicure in couple of months
3) I rarely wear make up now- I never really wore that much to begin with but still
4) My hair is always up or in a ponytail (mainly b/c my hair is falling out soooo much- those post pregnancy hormones)
5) Taking a nap supersedes taking a shower! :)
6) I go to the gym maybe once a week- I used to go at least 5 times/week!

As Dr. Phil would say, you can't fix a problem unless you know what your problem is.
So to start things off, I have made an appointment for pedicure and manicure this Friday:)! And my goal is to go back to working out more regularly to loose my last 10 pounds!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Do we always want more???

I guess I do...
I have been driving myself crazy b/c Preston can't lift his head off from the floor and he is 3 months adjusted. I have to add, he does hold his head up when we hold him over our shoulder and he is very interested in looking around. (Just not when we put him on his tummy- actually he HATES tummy time!!!)

I know that preemies have developmental delays as result of being born so early but when I hear people telling that he should be able to hold his head at 3 months, I still get upset. I think partly I feel somewhat guilty for him being born so early and I think something is wrong. I KNOW deep inside it wasn't my fault but at the same time I feel somewhat responsible for his rough start in life.

That said, I have to say I am amazed at how well Preston is doing and I am soooo thankful. I have to keep reminding myself that couple of months ago, I wasn't even sure if we would ever bring him home. He is doing so great- he is eating well, gaining weight and meeting other milestones. And here I am freaking out b/c he can't hold his head up!!! I just have to put everything in perspective and let Preston meet his milestone on his time table.

This entry also reminds me when I was childless and my friends who had babies would rave about their kids rolling over, sitting up etc. I remember being not interested and thought they were way into their babies. And look at me now! I am one of them... kee. kee.

On the positive note, Preston finally breastfed without the nipple shield. Every time I tried without the shield he would just stop and look at me as though he didn't know what it was. kee. kee. Last night, he was looking as though he wanted to breastfeed without the shield so I tried and he went to town!!! :) Another milestone!