Sunday, December 2, 2007

Do we always want more???

I guess I do...
I have been driving myself crazy b/c Preston can't lift his head off from the floor and he is 3 months adjusted. I have to add, he does hold his head up when we hold him over our shoulder and he is very interested in looking around. (Just not when we put him on his tummy- actually he HATES tummy time!!!)

I know that preemies have developmental delays as result of being born so early but when I hear people telling that he should be able to hold his head at 3 months, I still get upset. I think partly I feel somewhat guilty for him being born so early and I think something is wrong. I KNOW deep inside it wasn't my fault but at the same time I feel somewhat responsible for his rough start in life.

That said, I have to say I am amazed at how well Preston is doing and I am soooo thankful. I have to keep reminding myself that couple of months ago, I wasn't even sure if we would ever bring him home. He is doing so great- he is eating well, gaining weight and meeting other milestones. And here I am freaking out b/c he can't hold his head up!!! I just have to put everything in perspective and let Preston meet his milestone on his time table.

This entry also reminds me when I was childless and my friends who had babies would rave about their kids rolling over, sitting up etc. I remember being not interested and thought they were way into their babies. And look at me now! I am one of them... kee. kee.

On the positive note, Preston finally breastfed without the nipple shield. Every time I tried without the shield he would just stop and look at me as though he didn't know what it was. kee. kee. Last night, he was looking as though he wanted to breastfeed without the shield so I tried and he went to town!!! :) Another milestone!

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